Brecht in Babylon (based on Raise and fall of the city of Mahagonny)


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A grotesque commedy based on 'Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny' by Bertolt Brecht 


Actors: Giovanni Avolio, Mara Calcagni, Raffaele Schettino

Fonts: 'Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny' by Bertolt Brecht

Scenography and dresses: Groucho Teatro, Orchestra Teatralica

Light design: Mauro Buoninfante

Direction,Text an Drammaturgy: Collective

Production: Groucho Teatro – Centro di Ricerca Teatralein coll. with Orchestra Teatralica and circolo Gianni Bosio (2010)

Two fugitives decide to found a city, the city of fun and entertainment: Babylon, the city of freedom. Happiness can be bought? In Babylon yes! If you have money, you can do everything: sex, tranquility, alcohol. But ... but something is missing. What? Humanity. That can not be bought: it has to be discovered and money does not need at all for that.

Brecht in Babylon is a performance based on 'Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny' by Bertolt Brecht. It is a collective creation of three actors who met on the desire to plunge into the work of Brecht to search for the soul of political theater and the social role of theater.

It is not theater representative or realistic, but it tells a story, making it through the words, the drama of the objects, the images, the songs, and the body. Uses profane polifinic chants, as well as sacred songs of oral tradition in Italy. It is a performance that breaks the fourth wall, while the actors interact with the public, which is called to be the people of Babylon.

It's a critical look to the system we live, to the advertisements seeking consensus for a single model to be, in general, to the mechandising of the human life. It is the story of a city, Babylon, where he goes to enjoy life and having fun. The city of happiness and freedom, where everything is possible... taking money.

            "What freedom? This is not freedom. I want to go out of here."- Franc Fabec, new resident of Babylon, foretells the crisis in the city. "You can not do. You are banned! "- And thus Babi and Abi, the founders of Babylon, faced
the crisis
by prohibiting, by creating fear, and by speculating on the market. Only a typhoon will help our founders to go out of the crisis. How?

            A new city, New Babylon: peace, love and brotherhood will be established, but where Franc is condemned to death when his money is gone. Nor  Abi's can save him.

            Franc finishes singing "Io riderò / il mondo ha un prezzo / anche il cervello / vendilo, amico / con la tua libertà/ e un posto avrai nella società" (I'll laugh / the world has a price, and your brain too / sell it, man, with your freedom / And thou you'll have a good place in this society").

A metaphor of the contemporary reality, a satire sung and told who never forgets that theater is the place of magic and of the dreams.


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